Legato artworks finished for Italy in May

After sitting with these for a week or so, I have decided they are finished (with one possible, slight, adjustment still in my sights…). This afternoon I got the best photographs of them I could manage given the weather etc. The four men featured are:

Mansel Barker, my father, otherwise known as Ableseaman Barker.

Jack Robinson, my best friend Sandra’s father, who served with the 5th Field Ambulance.

Roy Lehndorf, my best friend Sandra’s uncle, who died within a few months of being posted overseas.

Alan McLeod, Margaret Prince’s father, who lost both legs to a Schu mine.

5 thoughts on “Legato artworks finished for Italy in May

  1. Cath what a fabulous work of art you have completed,lot’s of messages within them I look forward to viewing them in Italy and hopefully see you there too??


  2. It’s always great to finish a project. I like the light effect you’ve created and there is strength in your consistency in the like compositions. Sometimes when you are involved in mixed media work it is easy to over do it. These works are fresh.


  3. Well im a bit stunned……….thats my grand father , my name sake along with a photo of nana who passed away last year, Its very well presented, id like to know more from “sandras” uncle about Roy if their is any more info,
    I have these photos along with a whole heaps of correspondence and other memories…………Ive been to grandads grave and paid my respects…My father David was one month old when he died dad is 66 this year……..your words “taken too young” are so true and sobering when you stand amounst the graves in the war cemetry in a little town called Rimini on the coast of italy


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