All the world’s a stage: Crusade #57

This month, over at the GPP Street Team site, Michelle asked us – what are the songs that make us sing aloud. What do we listen to in the car, the art room, wherever our music is? I tend to create art in silence unless I am using the music as part of the painting, such as painting to the tempo of a jazz piece. Other than that, silence reigns.

I have a few CDs I listen to in the car, but a lot of the time I listen to audio books. When I do listen to music as I drive it’s a consistent mix, half of which dates back to my late teens! In the corner of our bedroom we have a big leather chair and a micro stereo. The sun pours in there in the afternoons, so sometimes at the weekend I sit in there and read – and listen to quiet music as I read. If I go to bed early to read, I do the same thing. It’s a safe haven away from all my responsibilities.


9 thoughts on “All the world’s a stage: Crusade #57

  1. Hey, Cath, this reminds me how much of a sanctuary is art and music. And reading! I agree; I don’t listen to music when I’m working, except for when I’m painting backgrounds and am just ‘flowing’, and ‘letting things happen’. Otherwise, I need quieter atmosphere to concentrate. I love this picture of your spaces, and the cool evidence notes.


  2. I like the way you have laid out this page, it’s interesting to split out different types of music for different moods and locations.

    and like everyone else, I love the look of that chair šŸ™‚


  3. I also have an eclectic mix of music, from my high school days to last month. I think it is such a wonderful thing to be able to continue to enjoy new music throughout your lifetime. I hope I’ll never stop. Loved seeing your page!


  4. Cath, bringing us into your home and revealing where you are most apt to listen to specific songs was such a warm personal reflection. Thank you for sharing.


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