Process; back to basics

I completed my Dip Art & Creativity (Hon) back in 2007 or 2008 – it’s a long time ago. One of the things I learned during that journey was I am fascinated with the edges of my work, my works involves memory, and I am process driven. The memories and process are more important to me than the final look of the work.

Pen Kirk and I have done a couple of joint exhibitons which have been very process driven, and I’ve found that a wobderful mix of easy and challenging. The work I am doing on my own has been less successful; I’ve been thinking about why, and doing some research. I’ve watched some of my favourite artists on YouTube, and a new one Marabeth Quin. And there it is – I’ve moved too far from memory and process which are my key drivers, thinking too soon (and too much) about what the final work will look like.

I thought I was ready to start a new body of work. I am in the sense I know what it’ll be about, but my “aha” moment is that I shouldn’t break out the lovely new wooden panels I’ve got just yet. I’m committing to filling at least one journal, maybe two, with playful experiments, without referring to photos of the areas, so I work from memory and with no expectation about the finished pieces.

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