
I have been thinking recently about peace, peacefulness, and stillness of the spirit. Although I do not identify myself as Christian, the cross seems to be a powerful symbol for me nonetheless.

This is one of three I have just completed, lots of texture and a bit of gold highlighting For sale on Etsy.

NZAG collaborative project

The NZ Art Guild does a collaborative project once a year; this year’s is titled “Reach Out”. Participating artists get sent a small panel, partially pre-painted, on which to do their work. Mine is finished – yay!
There is meaning and dialogue behind what I have done but I think I’ll leave that for now. So here it is – my small contribution to this year’s huge project 🙂

(not a great photo of it by the way, it was hard to get a good shot for a number of reasons, including the fact that the house is in turmoil while we have a new kitchen installed over the long weekend)

The business of art

Yep, I’ve been doing the work side this weekend, instead of the fun (messy) bits. All good though.
Sophia suggested I look at Fine Art America and join up. It’s excellent – thanks Sophia. You’ll find a link to the site top right on the sidebar. My work is under Cath Sheard, and while you’re there check out Sophia Elise for some amazing Kiwi works.
I’m off to Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city, shortly for a 2 day work course. Wish me luck, and decent weather 😉

Photoshopping it

Just working on my layering skills in Photoshop – and thinking about new painting ideas. There’s nothing like just playing round in my studio to get my brain into creating gear.
It’s always good to get my hands dirty with paint and glue and other messy things, but I find playing round with arty software is also well worth the time spent for me.

Who is your muse?

Is there someone that inspires you? That supports you no matter what? Someone you can turn to no matter what?

My main muse is the man in the photo: my husband Tony. He was playing “Farmer Brown” for a few days; here he’s pretending to know how to work a farm dog, and the dog is pretending to work 😉

Being "happy busy"

I’ve had a good day – I love that 🙂
I finished off a couple of paintings, managed to take decent photos of them, etc and load them onto my Etsy shop. I feel like I accomplished stuff today. Yahoo!

Here are the works I loaded up – both celebrating New Zealand and its wonderful landscape, but in two very different ways…