Playing with pastels

I started the day with getting my “Saturday jobs” out of the way. You know the ones; washing, dishes, beds, animals, shopping. Only did half what I should of course 🙂

Then it was into my art room and out with the pastels. I haven’t used them for a while but a book I’ve been reading inspired me to get back to them. I love the directness of the colour application.

I did three quick paintings, each continuing to explore the “Italy from above” theme. Great fun, and I’m particularly pleased with this square one.

I knew Tony wouldn’t like them, so while he was watching me I asked him to say something nice. Pause…
Umm, it doesn’t anything like the reference photo.
Is that your best comment?
I think so, he says..
Well done Tony – it wasn’t meant to look like the photo. LOL
Gotta love him!!

Keeping on working…

It’s been an eventful few weeks. ..

Meg, our bulldog, has lymphatic cancer and the vet thought she might also have a large melanoma on her knee. Turns out to be something else thank goodness, so we have some more pills to trick her into swallowing 😉

Mum’s been more unwell than usual and has needed a lot of nursing – so I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep the last few weeks.

But what I understand about myself is that I need to keep making art, regardless, otherwise I get even more tired and grumpy.

So, these 3 paintings are some of what I’ve been fiddling round with: the two square landscapes are in preparation for a pre-Christmas exhibition in Hawera, the mainly purple and blue abstract is more exploration for the “Italy from above” series.