#Colourmepositive week 4

I have used this week’s quote exactly as it was given to us, and brainstormed some words about who I am. Life’s a bit unsettled at the moment, as we count down to Tony’s next major surgery, so this was a good chance to take half an hour out and do some art. It was also a timely reminder that, medical hassles or not, life’s pretty good.

week 3 be you.jpg

Birthday cards

I’ve been making a set of birthday cards for a librarian friend over the weekend. I love doing these but they are quite time consuming. For six cards I stamped, coloured & cut around 70 elements, then pieced them together with glue and foam tape, finally accenting with Glossy Accents. Obviously I don’t include my time in the cost per card!

A friend said it was nice I’m getting orders for cards, but won’t doing more take the fun out of it for me? No! I love spending hours at my desk fiddling around with paper, scissors and glue 🙂


I am doing two online challanges this year; #colourmepositive which I have already shown a layout for, and DLP2016 (Documented Life Project) which I did a bit of last year. I will be showing work from DLP but not really talking about the process as such. It’s a class you pay for so the content is not mine to share. Here’s what I have done so far towards building my planner.