Starting the year by crafting

Today I sat down to finish the Documented Life project for 2016. I enjoyed being part of this, but found this year’s format suited me less than the one in 2015 so ended up doing my own thing a lot of the time. No great surprise there, really… People angst about having the right folder or doing it the right way – it’s art & craft, there is no right way! Just enjoy creating and stop fussing so much.

The creators of DLP have decided to move onto other things so Mixie has started a Life Documented Facebook page and I’ve decided to join in. No doubt I’ll ignore the prompts and do my own thing again, but it’s good to share ideas and encourage others along the way.

Shown are the last page in my DLP16 folder and cover page and monthly divider for 2017, which I am using the same recycled Smashbook for. 


Starting my June DLP unplanner

This month we are “unravelling the past and embracing new beginnings”. I can’t think of a better theme as I work through the mental preparation videos ahead of my weight loss surgery. They want me to understand how genetics, metabolism, culture and environment, sleep, personal behaviour and psychological aspects have all contributed to me being at a point where surgery makes sense. The prep is thorough and quite challenging so it’s cool that my art ties into it, as that makes it less stressful for me.